At USDA we take a “food first” approach to improving human health and well-being and reducing the burden of chronic diet-related diseases. When it comes to using food and nutrition to improve health-related outcomes, one size doesn’t fit all. This requires a more precise understanding of nutritional needs, and broader consideration of the social, economic, and cultural factors that influence food selection. Our research efforts focus on the entire food and ag value chain to better understand how farming practices, different crops and animals, food selection, food preparation, and nutritional content and composition contribute to health-related outcomes.
Featured Stories
USDA Invests More Than $59M to Improve Dietary Health and Nutrition Security

Keep Cool and Stay Fresh

Research and Extension Supports Local Food Systems

Selected Resources
Agricultural Research Service
Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Children's Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine
Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center
Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
Western Human Nutrition Research Center
U.S. Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory
Food Systems Research Unit, Burlington, VT
Responsive Agricultural Food Systems Research, College Station, TX