Learn more about salt and sodium in your diet and how it affects your health. Find resources and tips for reducing the amount in your diet while keeping the flavor.
View common foods and their sodium content using these five databases.
Learn how to select and prepare foods with less salt and sodium.
More than 40% of the sodium we eat each day comes from only 10 types of food. Many people are surprised to learn which foods are on the list because the foods do not always taste salty.
About 9 in 10 US children eat more sodium than recommended. Read about how parents and caregivers can help.
Find information on sodium and food sources, how to reduce sodium, and sodium reduction resources for everyone.
Read about sodium - what it is, where it is found, and tips for reducing sodium in your diet.
Learn what steps you can take to reduce sodium in your diet.
Use the Nutrition Facts label to make informed decisions about sodium.
See how you can choose and prepare foods that are lower in sodium.
From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), find tips for reducing dietary sodium and salt.
Find the latest news, plus links to overviews, clinical trials and research related to dietary sodium.
Read general information about sodium, including food sources and recommendations for a healthy diet.
Try these herbs and spices to season your food instead of salt. This resource lists herbs and spices with suggested food pairings.